永利皇宮 Wynn Palace︱動感數碼畫作 Dynamic Data Paintings
“Wynn – Garden of Earthly Delights”: Moving Masterpieces
沉醉於拉菲克 • 安納度所創的數碼藝術中,細看LED 媒體牆上的作品,感受令人著迷的的千變萬化。前來 #永利皇宮 藝術館欣賞《融化的記憶》及《澳門流》: https://bit.ly/2M2Azyq
Immerse yourself in the ever-moving digital art pieces of Refik Anadol, two massive data paintings shown on LED media walls that never cease to fascinate and amaze. Visit Melting Memories and Macau Currents: Data Paintings at the #WynnPalace Art Gallery today: https://bit.ly/2YNWZ8d
#永利瑰寶 #永利藝賞人間樂園 #藝文薈澳 #心動之美藝文薈澳 #WynnArt #ArtMacao #ArtAliveArtMacao